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Feb 24, 2020

Shaykh Ismail Kamdar is an educator and writer of several productivity principles and self-help books.

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Feb 21, 2020

In this special episode of the Blood Brothers Podcast in collaboration with West Canada's 'United Islam Awareness Week' (UIAW), Dilly Hussain speaks with Shaykh Mohamed Yaffa. #BloodBrothersPodcast #ShaykhMohamedYaffa #BlackHistoryMonth Shaykh Yaffa explains the daily challenges of being black, Muslim and immigrant...

Feb 3, 2020

In this special episode of the Blood Brothers Podcast in partnership with West Canada's 'United Islam Awareness Week' (UIAW), Dilly Hussain catches up with Imam Dawud Walid. #BloodBrothersPodcast #ImamDawudWalid #Islamicactivism Imam Walid explains the perimeters of Islamic activism and "enjoining good and forbidding...