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Mar 31, 2022

The guys discuss the Will Smith controversy, Return of the NAK and More!

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Mar 29, 2022

Ustadh Jake Brancatella aka The Muslim Metaphysician is a YouTuber, Public Debater, Speaker, Da’i, and Rapper. YouTube:  @The Muslim Metaphysician 

Twitter: MMetaphysician

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Mar 29, 2022

Afreen Fatima is a student leader from Allahabad, UP. She is the National Secretary of Fraternity Movement, a youth and students movement in India. She is a prominent Muslim voice against the anti-Muslim policies of the Indian government. She is vocal on issues of minority rights, women's rights,...

Mar 25, 2022

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Mar 17, 2022

Lecturer and writer Ali Harfouch joins us to discuss his latest article:

Ali Harfouch Twitter: @asharfouch

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