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Oct 24, 2022

We talk to Mahdi Tidjani who is the host of the YouTube Channel MahdiTidjani and founder of the "No Strings Nikah" App.

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00:00 - Sponsors

02:47 - Intro to Mahdi Tidjani

09:00 - What is No String Nikah?

16:45 - What kind of women is the app for?

19:45 - Permissibility of Misyar

21:55 - Fear of Step Fathers

25:30 - Women of NSN

30:00 - Getting the Wali involved

38:30 - Women delay marriage to finish University

43:15 - Hypergamy and weak men

51:00 - Instagram Girls

57:50 - Abundance Mindset

1:03:55 - Why is Mahdi Controversial?

1:06:00 - Terminology

1:10:00 - Equality

1:15:45 - Wife tieing shoelaces

1:20:00 - What makes women happy?

1:27:55 - Should a man make his polygamous intentions clear

1:29:00 - Can a conventional marriage become a Misyar Marriage?

1:39:00 - What makes women happy?

1:41:00 - Andrew Tate becoming Muslims

1:47:00 - Are you worried about getting banned?


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